Easter Services at St Mary’s Church

2nd April - Palm Sunday

8am Holy Communion

9:30am All Age Worship - Meet in Riverhead Square car parkat 9.20amand process into church

6th April - Maundy Thursday

11am Morning Prayer at Dunton Green

Team Service at St Luke’s - Eardley Road

6:45pm Passover supper of bread and soup, followed by

7:30pm Stripping of the Altar

7th April - Good Friday

10am Family Service followed by creating Easter garden and eating Hot Cross Buns

2pm Reflections at the foot of the Cross

9th April - Easter Sunday

6am Short outdoor service followed by a walk and back to Church Hall for breakfast of bacon baps, toast, orange juice, coffee/tea

8am Holy Communion

9.30 am Service of Holy Communion

Please join us if you can